regardless of how many family members will participate in the Family RETURNING treatment, the price is at an affordable discounted rate
50 € / $ 61
per treatment
As you know, treatments do not have a set price, making contributions like yours is very meaningful.
For anyone who cannot contribute, I will donate my time and do the RETURNING treatment for free.
Family is a RETURNING – Self-Healing experience for 2 or more family members.
Family members have an option to have a treatment at the same time, regardless of how many family members will participate in the Family RETURNING treatment.
This option is only possible for remote RETURNING treatments.
RETURNING treatment can be scheduled to happen just one time or it can be scheduled for a few times until the desired subject matter that we work on is resolved.
Most times at least 3 Family RETURNING treatments are needed to fully soften and remove the physical, emotional, and energetical tightness that is worked on.
I try to schedule these treatments in such a way that there are 2 non-treatment days between each treatment.
This gives persons the ability to absorb and utilize the healing energy that they are getting during treatments.
I recommend everyone to have at least one Healing Pad and use it daily.
- 45-minute RETURNING treatment during which a boost of energy will be remotely channeled to everyone that is participating.
- Support where you can ask any questions regarding the treatment (Returning.info@gmail.com).
Please note that the remote Family RETURNING – Self-Healing treatment is NOT an online event.
There is no need to be connected to any application, there’s no live streaming, so no internet or Wi-Fi is necessary.
RETURNING is the practice of energy channeling, either remotely or being near the person.
It is gentle and requires minimal participation of the recipients, which is how it should be.
For the Family RETURNING – Self-Healing treatment I will need information for each person that is participating AND a short description of what subject matter that each person would like to focus on during the treatment. Please keep in mind that the boost of positive, healing energy will also work on other areas and levels where it’s needed.
If you are registering your family member, make sure that you have their permission, that they want to participate in the Family group experience of RETURNING – Gathering over Distance.
It would not be right if you would like them to participate and send their basic personal information without their acceptance.
For you to be connected to this group experience, in order that the energy reaches each person over distance, I need to open a channel – a link towards each person.
To do this, I use your basic personal information:
- First name
- Last name
- Day, month, and year of birth
Before the beginning of the RETURNING treatment, it would be nice if you would in your own words – in your own way, express a blessing for the treatment and express gratitude for being able to participate in this unique RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique – Gathering over Distance.
During this RETURNING treatment, for those of you that already have the Healing Pad, it would be great if you could sit on it or lay on it during the treatment.
- For those of you that would like to buy or learn more about the Healing Pad, please click HERE.
- Please feel free to send your comments and recommendations. Your satisfaction is very important and your suggestions are very valuable.
- Thank you for using the benefits of RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique. Please share your positive experiences with your friends and family.