for 1 Before And After Medical Procedure Plan
30 € / $37
As you know, treatments do not have a set price, making contributions like yours is very meaningful.
For anyone who cannot contribute, I will donate my time and do the RETURNING treatment for free.
During every medical procedure that our bodies go through like surgery, chemotherapy, dialysis, etc., some form of stress and trauma happens, and fears arise.
Due to sometimes invasive procedures, a great degree of our personal energy is lost and the body’s natural immune system is lowered.
Even less invasive medical procedures can be difficult for the body to go through and recover from them.
Often before the medical procedure, the level of the body’s energy and the immune system has been compromised, especially if the reason for the medical procedure, the symptoms, and manifestations, have been going on for an extended time.
Our bodies need to be strong prior to the procedure so that they can handle what happens during the medical procedures and that the recovery time is not just shorter but that the self-healing process is more efficient.
If you would, please look at this from another perspective:
Let’s say that prior to the medical procedure your overall personal energy level is at 5, out of 10 being the highest. During the medical procedure, your body is drained and your energy level drops to 2 or 3.
After the procedure, when your body needs the power and strength to kickstart the self-healing during the recovery phase, you are at a low level so you need a longer recovery time, partly because that phase was initiated while you were low on energy.
Just for a moment, look at this with different numbers:
Let’s say that prior to the medical procedure you received an energy boost with RETURNING – Self-Healing treatments.
In this case, your overall personal energy level would be let’s say at 9, out of 10 being the highest.
During the medical procedure, your body is drained and your energy level might drop to let’s say 5.
Let’s say that right after the medical procedure you received another energy boost with RETURNING – Self-Healing treatments.
In this case, your overall personal energy level would be let’s say at 8, out of 10 being the highest. Now when your body needs the power and strength to kickstart the self-healing during the recovery phase, you are at a much higher level. Speed up the recovery time after medical procedures and have better self-healing results.
Does this look like it’s too good to be true?
Well, it might look like it’s hard to reach, but instead of seeing numbers on the screen, why don’t you feel this at work.
Try RETURNING treatments with confidence and feel how they help you.
Before And Medical Procedure Plan treatment that can be scheduled to happen just one time before the medical procedure and one time right after the medical procedure. They can also be scheduled a few times until the desired subject matter that we work on is resolved.
During the live Before And After Medical Procedure Plan treatment, when the client comes to me, the person lays on the massage table and is fully dressed during the treatment. Multiple Healing Pads are placed under and above the client. Depending on the clients’ needs and purpose of the treatment, depending on which level of RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique treatments are done, a various number of Healing Pads are used.
Please read more about the use of Healing Pads during the RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique levels by clicking HERE.
For those that have scheduled a remote Before And After Medical Procedure Plan treatment, ideally, the person should also lay down for their maximum comfort, but they can also stay seated. Please do not watch television or use the computer or phone at this time.
Enjoy the silence and stay focused on how you feel and what you feel.
Soft music without lyrics is optional.
RETURNING is like a gateway to yourself, to your healing and well-being – therefore there is no conversation going on during the treatment so that you stay focused on the subject matter that you chose and that you can be fully immersed in feelings, flows, sensations, visions, etc.
With Before And After Medical Procedure Plan treatments we are creating a balanced, self-healing flow and well-being.
I recommend everyone to have at least one Healing Pad and use it daily.
- 45-minute RETURNING treatment during which a boost of energy will be remotely channeled to you or if you are physically present,
the energy will be channeled to you live.
- Support where you can ask any questions regarding the treatment (Returning.info@gmail.com).
Please note that the remote Before And After Medical Procedure RETURNING – Self-Healing treatment is NOT an online event.
There is no need to be connected to any application, there’s no live streaming, so no internet or Wi-Fi is necessary.
RETURNING is the practice of energy channeling, either remotely or being near the person.
It is gentle and requires minimal participation of the recipients, which is how it should be.
If the Before And After Medical Procedure RETURNING – Self-Healing treatment is remote I will need your personal information AND a short description of what subject matter you would like to focus on during the treatment.
Please keep in mind that the boost of positive, healing energy will also work on other areas and levels where it’s needed.
If the treatment is live, with the person next to me, then personal information is not necessary, however, to have a treatment subject matter is recommended.
For you to be remotely connected, in order that the energy reaches you over distance, I need to open a channel – a link towards each person.
To do this, I use your basic personal information:
- First name
- Last name
- Day, month, and year of birth
Before the beginning of the RETURNING treatment, it would be nice if you would in your own words – in your own way, express a blessing for the treatment and express gratitude for being able to participate in this unique RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique – Gathering over Distance.
During this RETURNING treatment, for those of you that already have the Healing Pad, it would be great if you could sit on it or lay on it during the treatment.
- For those of you that would like to buy or learn more about the Healing Pad, please click HERE.
- Please feel free to send your comments and recommendations. Your satisfaction is very important and your suggestions are very valuable.
- Thank you for using the benefits of RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique. Please share your positive experiences with your friends and family.