Please note that this is NOT an online event.
There is no need to be connected to any application, there’s no live streaming, so no internet or Wi-Fi is necessary.
RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique is a wonderful, safe practice of remote energy channeling.
It is gentle and requires minimal participation of the recipients, which is how it should be.
During the 90-minutes event, be focused as much as your circumstances allow you, and be aware that you are a part of a group of people that are receiving an energy gift, you will benefit from it.
Just do your best and simply put your focus on one of your physical, mental, emotional pain, or tightness.
Even though you might be focused on only one theme, keep in mind that your whole body will receive benefits because healing doesn’t occur in an isolated area only.
Some of the benefits will show themselves instantly and some will show results in a short time.