Full Moon Day

Some of you have experienced One-On-One energy healing RETURNING treatments with me, either live or over distance.

For those of you that have not experienced the RETURNING treatment, here is a wonderful opportunity to feel its benefits.

On a full moon day, as my gift to everyone, I donate my time and invite you to participate in this unique energy self-healing experience.

Feel the gift with a group of people that you might not know, but with whom you share a common desire – to return to the state of well-being.

Full Moon Day

What is RETURNING and why is it called RETURNING

RETURNING is a self-healing technique during which a safe energy space is created for each person. This energy space acts as a positive, protective field in which gentle energy moves like a wave through and around the body.
The energy that is gained during the RETURNING treatment moves on many levels of our being – to those areas that need an energy boost that softens and removes the physical, emotional, and energetical tightness and it creates a balanced healing flow.
With the RETURNING energy boost, not only will our physical bodies recover and heal, our emotional state will ease up, our hormones will be balanced, our immune system becomes stronger and we will feel full of energy.
During and after the treatment, it might feel like you gave yourself a reset – as if you rebalanced yourself on multiple levels.
When our body has an abundance of energy all of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual functions will return to their optimal level – to a healthy state.

RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique has this name because it is returning us back to the state of well-being, in all its shapes, colors, and beauty.

Free registration

To be a part of this group event, you will need to register.

Registration is simply done by sending a message via Viber, WhatsApp, or email.

For those of you that have already experienced a remote RETURNING treatment with me, all you have to do is to send me a message with your name.
You do not have to send your other personal information; I already have it.

Only those that have not so far experienced remote RETURNING treatment with me should send basic personal information.

If you are registering your family member or friend, make sure that you have their permission, that they want to participate in the group experience of RETURNING – Gathering over Distance.

It would not be right if you would like them to participate and send their basic personal information without their acceptance.

For you to be connected to this group experience, in order that the energy reaches you over distance, I need to open a channel – a link towards each person.
To do this, I use your basic personal information:

  1. First name
  2. Last name​​
  3. Day, month, and year of birth​

Please note that this is NOT an online event.
There is no need to be connected to any application, there’s no live streaming, so no internet or Wi-Fi is necessary.

RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique is a wonderful, safe practice of remote energy channeling.
It is gentle and requires minimal participation of the recipients, which is how it should be.

During the 90-minutes event, be focused as much as your circumstances allow you, and be aware that you are a part of a group of people that are receiving an energy gift, you will benefit from it.

Just do your best and simply put your focus on one of your physical, mental, emotional pain, or tightness.

Even though you might be focused on only one theme, keep in mind that your whole body will receive benefits because healing doesn’t occur in an isolated area only.

Some of the benefits will show themselves instantly and some will show results in a short time.

Before the beginning of the RETURNING treatment, it would be nice if you would in your own words – in your own way, express a blessing for the treatment and express gratitude for being able to participate in this unique RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique – Gathering over Distance.

During this RETURNING treatment, for those of you that already have the Healing Pad, it would be great if you could sit on it or lay on it during the treatment.

  • For those of you that would like to buy or learn more about the Healing Pad, please click HERE.

At the end of the treatment, at 21:30, the energy channel will be closed towards all participants.

I know how important your privacy is and I fully understand how important it is to maintain that, thus I will not share and publish your personal information anywhere.

I DO NOT make any medical diagnoses and / or suggest the use of any medication.
RETURNING – Self-Healing Technique is not intended to replace any treatment prescribed by your doctor.

After this event – if you want, feel free to get in touch with me via Viber, WhatsApp, or email and share your experiences.

Wishing all of you only the very best, love, health, and happiness.
May goodness continue to flower within you.
Thank you kindly for participating in this event.